Ship Agents, licensed for all ports in Pakistan, Our agency team regularly attending ships at Karachi and Bin Qasim ports in an efficient manner.
Our professionally skilled and experienced staff can provide a vide range of quality services as required by the Masters and Owners both in commercial and technical fields.
Our office is staffed with professionals and equipped with modern communication systems. We are competent enough to provide the best possible services to our Principals day and night in order to protect their interests at every level.
Following are among the quality services, we are committed to provide to the vessels calling in our Agency.
Other Services

Whenever any vessel under our Agency is due to call Karachi Port or Port Bin Qasim, we send estimated disbursement in advance with complete breakdown of port tariffs and expenses well before arrival of the vessel.
We also keep our Principals posted about any changes as and when announced by the Port, and provide on request the necessary information.
With specific details of the vessel, it's cargo, gear and ETA etc., our company will furnish Principals expected waiting, berthing and load or discharge prospects.
Guidance to the Master regarding procedures of registration, contact with the port control, approaches and anchoring etc. is provided well before the vessels arrival at Karachi Port or Port Bin Qasim.
Upon berthing our Agency personnel assist the Master in documentation procedures and other formalities as required by the various authorities.
Our company has a very good understanding with most of the stevedores working at Karachi Port and Port Bin Qasim. We are able to enter in expediting agreements for loading and/or discharging of cargo at these two ports. We can appoint the efficient stevedores to handle your vessel with particular attention, importance being given to the economy.
SURVEYSWe can arrange Load/Discharge ports cargo survey, Pre/Post bunkering survey, On/Off hire surveys, Class/Hull & Machinery/PNI surveys as and when required by the Principals.
CLEARANCE AND DELIVERY OF SPARESOur Principals can rely on the most effective, economical and efficient methods of supplying their ships with the needed requirements and prompt spare parts deliveries.
PROVISION / STORESProvisions/bond/deck and engine stores and spares etc. can be efficiently arranged to be supplied on board at most competitive rates.
BUNKER AND FRESH WATERWe can provide the best quality bunkers IFO/MDO through private bunker suppliers at Karachi Port and Port Bin Qasim
Contractors for Chipping, Painting and Tank Cleaning can be arranged at very economical rates and most of the vessels calling our ports prefer to avail services of these contractors for upkeep of their vessels or if so required prior Class and PNI Surveys.
Competent repair workshops to undertake any deck or engine repairs can be arranged at Karachi Port as well as Port Bin Qasim at a very short notice.